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Miami’s WLRN Joins ‘Every 30 Seconds,’ a Collaborative Public Media Reporting Project on the Latino Electorate

(BOSTON — January 21, 2019) –– “The World,” the daily global news and analysis program from PRX, WGBH, and the BBC, today announced “Every 30 Seconds,” a collaborative public media reporting project tracing the young Latino electorate ahead of the 2020 national election.

Funded by a $300,000 grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, “Every 30 Seconds” will report on the issues, influences, concerns, and challenges driving decision-making and turnout among young Latino voters across the United States.

According to a recent count, approximately every 30 seconds, a Latino citizen in the United States reaches voting age (18). Further, 32 million Latinos are projected to be eligible to vote in 2020, up from 2016 and now one of the largest shares of nonwhite voters. Through deep engagement within communities and among Latino voters, “Every 30 Seconds” will delve into the complexities of demographics, language, law, and inequities within political systems.

This year-long project will launch in February with regular broadcasts on “The World” accompanied by digital components. From its newsroom in Boston, “The World” and Senior Editor Daisy Contreras will lead production of stories for national broadcast in partnership with public radio stations across the country. Digital Editor Tania Karas will lead production of digital stories and interactives.

Stations contributing to “Every 30 Seconds” will include:

  • KERA in Dallas, Texas;
  • KJZZ in Phoenix, Arizona;
  • KPBS in San Diego, California;
  • KUOW in Seattle, Washington;
  • WABE in Atlanta, Georgia;
  • WLRN in Miami, Florida; and
  • WUNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina

This week, “The World” will host reporters from participating stations in Boston to convene with experts on demographic changes within the U.S. electorate and for PRX-led training focused on crafting stories for audio. PRX’s training initiatives also include the Google Podcasts creator program for creators around the world, and Project Catapult, an accelerator for public media.

“As citizens prepare to partake in our democratic process, this project is one of several CPB is supporting to further diversity and civility in our nation’s dialogue,” said Kathy Merritt, senior vice president of Journalism and Radio at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. “‘Every 30 Seconds’ will also build journalism capacity at local public radio stations by connecting station partners to editing and story-planning training with ‘The World’ and PRX.”

“The 2020 election will be consequential, and it’s imperative that we report the story of our country at this moment in time in a way that best serves listeners,” Contreras said. “With reporting from coast to coast, ‘Every 30 Seconds’ will amplify stories while illuminating issues we hope will deepen understanding of our democracy.”

“’The World’ brings listeners nuanced storytelling that goes beyond the headlines,” said John Barth, chief content officer at PRX. “When we’re at our best, we put the personal and local, national and global, all in perspective, across borders and time zones. In this spirit, we’re thrilled to collaborate with our station colleagues on election-year reporting that won’t be heard elsewhere, and we’re grateful to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for their support.”

“The World” is heard on nearly 300 public radio stations across the United States.

Every 30 Seconds
From top to bottom/left to right: Esmy Jimenez (KUOW in Seattle), Martha Dalton (WABE in Atlanta), Stella Chávez (KERA in Texas), Daniel Rivero (WLRN in Miami), Monica Campbell (‘The World’), Michel Marizco (KJZZ in Arizona), Naomi Prioleau (WUNC in North Carolina) and Tania Karas (‘The World’).

About PRX
PRX is a non-profit media organization shaping the future of audio by producing and distributing content, building technology, and training talented, independent producers. PRX’s award-winning portfolio ranges from iconic public radio programs to a growing body of podcast-first productions. Each month, PRX reaches more than 28.5 million listeners and generates in excess of 70 million podcast downloads. More at prx.org.

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The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), a private, nonprofit corporation created by Congress in 1967, is the steward of the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting. It helps support the operations of more than 1,500 locally owned and operated public television and radio stations nationwide. CPB is also the largest single source of funding for research, technology and program development for public radio, television and related online services. For more information, visit cpb.org, follow us on Twitter @CPBmediaFacebook and LinkedIn and subscribe for other updates.

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